Mintu Ram Meena
ICAR Sugarcane Breeding Institute, India.
Title: Biomass energy potential of Inter-specific (ISH) and Inter-generic hybrids (IGH) of Saccharum under Sub-tropical condition of India

Dr. M R Meena, Scientist (Sr.Scale) of Plant Breeding in the Department of Crop Improvement, ICAR-Sugarcane Breeding Institute, Regional Centre, Karnal. He has received my BSc in Agricultural Sciences from RAU, Bikaner in 2002 and MSc in Genetics and Plant Breeding from University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore in 2004-05. He also received PhD in Genetics at the Department of Genetics in the ICAR-Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi in 2009.
In the study, three groups of Saccharum hybrids derived from diverse genetic background involving alien species and genera were used to evaluate their biomass potential under sub—tropical climate of India. First group hybrids- includes nine inter-generic hybrid (IGH) involving alien genus Erianthus arundinaceous. Second group hybrid – includes nine inter- specific hybrids (ISH) derived from S. barberi (Indian cane) and S. sinense (Chinese cane) and third group hybrid- includes six interspecific hybrids involving S. officinarum, S. spontaneum and S. robustum. These 24 clones were evaluated along with four commercial checks viz., Co 0238, CoJ 64 (early standard), CoS 767 and CoS 8436 (midlate standard) during 2013-14 in a randomized block design with two replications. Data on juice brix %, sucrose % and purity % and fibre% were estimated as per standard procedures. Dry matter, fresh biomass yield and dry biomass yield were estimated. The result of study indicated that Saccharum hybrid generally has more biomass potential compared to commercial varieties. Thirteen of the hybrids recorded significantly higher dry biomass yield than the experimental mean of 28.97 t ha-1. Among first group inter-generic hybrids, three hybrids viz., GU 07- 3849 (49.23 t ha-1), GU 07-3730 (37.96 t ha-1) and GU 07-3764 (37.54 t ha-1) had significantly higher value (over general mean) due to their Erianthus genetic background. Two ISH hybrid viz., KGS 2004-48 (41.69 t ha-1) and KGS 2004-60 (39.05 t ha-1) derived from BC progenies of S. barberi and S. sinense, recorded higher biomass. In ISH hybrids with S. officinarum, S. spontaneum and S. robustum genetics background, hybrids 99-438 (37.81 t ha-1) and 99-81 (37.22 t ha-1) had higher dry biomass production. Fibre% had positive correlation with total dry matter (TDM) and TDM, fresh biomass, stalk weight and number were found positively correlated with dry biomass.